Brother Printer Model Numbers Explained: What Do They Mean?

Brother Printer model numbers can be a bit confusing, so this guide will help clarify what they mean, making it easier for you to make an informed decision when purchasing a Brother printer.

Each printer manufacturer has its own system for naming products, and this guide focuses specifically on Brother Printers. For ease of explanation the information is broken down into sections which will help understand the meaning behind the letters in Brother printer model names.

First up is Product Functions

MFC = Multi-Function Centre PT = Laminated Labeller
DCP = Digital Copier Printer QL = Paper Roll Labeller
FAX = Fax Machine TD = Label & Receipt Printer
HL = Single Function Printer TJ = Titan Industrial Label Printer
PDS = Professional Document Scanner RJ = Mobile Label & Receipt Printer

ADS = Desktop Document Scanner

PJ = Moible Printer
DS = Portable Scanner VC = Colour Label Printer


After the Product Function listed next comes Model Number:

Then after Model Number is the Product Type

Multi-Function Centres & Printers Labeller Printers
L = Laser / LED D = Desktop
J = Inkjet P = PC
H = Handheld
E = Electrical


Lastly will be type of printer, duplex and how it connects to devices Connectivity

Colour or Monochrome Laser Duplex Connectivity For the TD Range
C = Colour Laser D = Duplex W = WiFi Wireless D = Direct Thermal
    N = LAN Ethernet T = Thermal Transfer
    BT / B = Bluetooth P = Peeler
      C = Cutter

So lets check out some examples with following the naming scheme;

Brother DCP3560CDW, breaking it down Brother DCP3560CDW

So reading it all together Brother DCP3560CDW we know this model is a Brother Digital Copier Printer that is a Colour Laser, can do Duplex printing and the connectivity is Wireless.

By following the naming conventions, you can quickly identify the product type, its features, and connectivity options—whether you're looking for a multi-function printer, a labeller, or a mobile printer.

Next time you're shopping for a Brother Printer, you'll have the tools to make an informed decision based on your needs. Whether it's a Brother DCP3560CDW or another model, you'll now know exactly what to expect in terms of functionality, performance, and connectivity by reading the model number like a pro.


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Discover a wide selection of Brother Printers from Multifunction Inkjet Printers to Mono Black only printers.  We supply a large range of Brother printers and all the consumables in genuine and aftermarket from cartridges, toners, drums, label tapes such as TZe, DK and more.
